Let’s start with gratitude.
I’m so grateful to have this platform ready, as ironic as the timing is, and that I was blessed enough to have the crazy idea last year to step away from my career as a steamfitter then in order to be ready for you all now.
My intention in setting this up was always in a service of giving, supporting, teaching and helping. Now more than ever I am on mission to do so. And again, my gratitude for the universal timing of it all.
I’m no expert, just a real person that’s been through some real shit so if I can offer any support during this time that’s what I’m here for.
Peace and blessings, one love.

For more tips on what I’m doing to stay healthy right now check out my post Knowledge is the Best Defense! Also, I have put together this Cooking Made Simple Tutorial which I know is going to be really helpful for any of you that are now standing in your kitchen night after night wondering where the hell do I start. Go ahead and enter your name email below and I’ll send it right out!