How to Make Curry Goat – Yes Goat! - Wah Gwan®

How to Make Curry Goat – Yes Goat!

So many ways to curry! Curry is a staple in many different cultures. I come from the Caribbean curry world and we do not mess about when it comes to mastering these curry dishes. Having said that t...
How to Make Wah Gwan® Fried Chicken - Wah Gwan®
all purpose seasoning

How to Make Wah Gwan® Fried Chicken

This chicken start to finish can take up to two days to prepare however the actual work to make it isn’t hard. This will also be some of the best fried chicken of your life so needless to say its w...
Saltfish and Collards - Wah Gwan®

Saltfish and Collards

salt fish: noun: saltfish, especially cod, that has been preserved in salt. Also referred to as bacalao Saltfish is a staple in Caribbean food and one of my favorite foods to cook for any meal of t...
Take Back Your Spice Cabinet - Wah Gwan®

Take Back Your Spice Cabinet

How many times have you gone through your spice cabinet and picked up a jar of something and thought, “How long has this been in here?” or “Damn is there something crawling in there??” Having an or...
Super Wellness Soup - Wah Gwan®

Super Wellness Soup

Staying healthy one pot of soup at a time! The ingredients in this soup are punched up for the medicinal effects during this time where we are all scrambling to boost our immune systems. I doubled ...
How to Make Haitian Diri Djon Djon - Wah Gwan®
black rice

How to Make Haitian Diri Djon Djon

What happens when you combine mushrooms, shrimp and rice? The signature “black rice” of the Haitians. Djon Djon mushrooms give the rice a darker appearance and give this dish its amazing flavor. Gr...