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6 Reasons Why I’m Eating Radishes and Why You Should Too

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

You may be surprised to know that radishes are incredibly good for you and actually considered a superfood.

The Reality of Becoming an Entrepreneur

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Ever since I stepped away from steamfitting I have time to relax, golf, read all of those books on my shelf and travel. ABSOLUTELY NOT!

8 Kitchen Tools I Can't Live Without

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

In reality, life changing kitchen tools come around very rarely and sticking with what works will allow you to focus on what matters - the food.

Simple Rice Recipe | Works Every Time

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

We have all been there when our rice just doesn’t come out the way we want it. You did what you always do but for some reason this batch was glued to the bottom, or really mushy. How do you get that perfect, fluffy, light rice that leaves no mess behind in the pot? It’s […]

How I Make Moroccan Tagine

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Is it a dish or a cooking vessel? It’s both, the earthenware pot that is used to slow cook delicious meats and seasoning in Morocco is also the name of the dish that comes out of these amazing pots. This dish is inspired by one of my closest friends and the magical trip to his native […]

Wah Gwan® Smashed Chickpea Salad Sandwich | The New Avocado Toast!

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

You won’t believe that this sandwich is vegetarian! This is a twist on the typical chicken or egg salad sandwich since vegetarian options are sometimes hard to come by when it comes to a delicious sandwich. I loved the popularity of avocado toast for the primary reason that I have always said you don’t need […]

To Smoke or Not to Smoke | Brisket Recipe

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

There are so many options and I get asked a lot what my preference is when it comes to grilling and smoking meats. The answer is all of them.

Sustainability is No Longer Enough

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

There was a point where sustainable agriculture could have been the answer. Instead, today we have to look at a much bigger journey to sustainability by restoring our land to the way we found it over 500 years ago. The way forward is regenerative agriculture and Rose and I sat down with Doniga Markegard, a […]

Ceviche Challenge Accepted!

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

I was challenged to a ceviche competition this week which was great since I have never made it before. So what does any chef do with a new challenge, google!

Come and Get Your C - Fermented!

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

We’ve now all heard everything there is to know about fermented foods but have we really? Fermented foods are actually not all created equal. Different processes, bacteria used, foods chosen to ferment, all produce varying results of fermentation and medicinal properties.  Cabbage is used a lot in fermentation because Cabbage has a unique naturally occurring […]

How to Make Curry Goat – Yes Goat!

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

So many ways to curry! Curry is a staple in many different cultures. I come from the Caribbean curry world and we do not mess about when it comes to mastering these curry dishes. Having said that there are so many different ways to execute this dish and I love playing around with the flavors. […]

Happy Easter : Service Cancelled

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

It never ceases to amaze me that there is always a story within a story. You can never judge or make an assumption about anyone, anywhere. When we do we perpetuate the ignorance that has plagued us for way too long. The service I planned to attend this morning has been cancelled like many others […]

How to Make Wah Gwan® Fried Chicken

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

This chicken start to finish can take up to two days to prepare however the actual work to make it isn’t hard. This will also be some of the best fried chicken of your life so needless to say its worth the planning that goes into it! This recipe is for 1 whole chicken, about […]

Saltfish and Collards

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

salt fish: noun: saltfish, especially cod, that has been preserved in salt. Also referred to as bacalao Saltfish is a staple in Caribbean food and one of my favorite foods to cook for any meal of the day. Most commonly I will cook saltfish and collard greens with a nice soft boiled egg for breakfast. […]

Jamaican Oxtail Stew with Rice & Peas

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

The scraps, the trash, the inedible and worthless, the journey of oxtail. Oxtails have become so popular that if you consider yourself in any way shape or form a foodie,  it’s safe to assume you’ve heard of and/or had oxtail stew. Historically oxtails were considered offal and were always one of the cheapest cuts of meat that […]

A Reuben

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Another trash meat made into a classic New York delicacy. New York is home to some of the best corned beaf. This is mostly thanks to the Jewish deli’s keeping it alive and fresh. Everyone has a different take on this sandwich but the primary ingredients stay the same. This is my Rueben. Instructions Combine […]

When Vinaigrette Becomes a Sauce

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Do me a favor, get crazy this Memorial Day and don’t follow the rules! We get so trapped in imaginary rules around food. One of the best examples is that vinaigrette should only be used on a salad. Who says!?!?! I put it on everything, making it an all purpose sauce for most of my […]

Take Back Your Spice Cabinet

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

How many times have you gone through your spice cabinet and picked up a jar of something and thought, “How long has this been in here?” or “Damn is there something crawling in there??” Having an organized spice cabinet can help easily elevate your cooking process by enabling you to always know the following. What’s in […]

Knowledge is the Best Defense

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

When panic ensues, educate yourself. This not only will help you in the short term but the long term prevention as well. Far too often we start thinking about our health only when it’s compromised or threatened. The obvious panic of Covid-19 is a very clear example of this.  Now, I’m not a doctor professional, […]

Super Wellness Soup

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Staying healthy one pot of soup at a time! The ingredients in this soup are punched up for the medicinal effects during this time where we are all scrambling to boost our immune systems. I doubled the garlic, celery, carrots and Spices. This soup is forgiving and can be tweaked to your liking but I […]

How to Make Wings Two Ways

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

I would be lying if I said I haven’t spent years of my life on the hunt for the perfect wing. Though there are many good ones out there, I took on the challenge of combining the best of to make what I think is the perfect wing. I’m divided between a typical buffalo wing […]

How to Make a Perfect Grilled Porterhouse Steak

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Don’t be intimidated, steak is very easy to cook just right if you use these simple 3 tips. When I do steak I go big. A thick cut can be super daunting, especially on an open flame however with a little direction it’s actually a quick and easy dinner solution. The 3 things to keep […]

Wah Gwan® Jerk Chicken | This is Real Jerk

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

There is a difference between Jerk Chicken and chicken with Jerk sauce. Most likely you have had the latter. Here’s how you make authentic Jerk Chicken.  Jerk Chicken or Jerk BBQ is adopted by cultures worldwide mostly in African and Caribbean communities. Jerk is native to Jamaica as it’s signature flavors come from plants only […]

I'll Tell you the Secret Ingredient

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Pimentón de la vera dulce! There it is... secret is out. Until I started creating my all purpose seasoning, Wah Gwan®, I will admit I didn't understand the power of paprika. In the US I feel like it is a spice that is in everyones kitchen, usually expired, and goes on deviled eggs once a year. When I started testing combinations of seasonings and flavors to come up with the perfect all purpose seasoning I struggled to find that flavor that stands apart yet blends with all other flavors.

Lively Up Your Grill | Cedar Grill Planks

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Using the cedar flavor and smoke to enhance grilling is nothing new, this practical and delicious technique has been practiced by Native American cultures for centuries. Not only is this a very easy method for adding flavor but something about connecting with primitive cooking tools adds that much more depth to food.

Is Your Salad Doing More Harm than Good?

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

There is an invisible battle that I see playing out too often. We are doing the right thing - eating our salads because we know that we need to eat vegetables...amazing! What I want to draw your attention to is that what you are putting on this salad that might be incredibly harmful.

One Pot Vegetarian Pasta Primavera with a Greek Yogurt Herb Sauce

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

My one pot vegetarian pasta primavera was just made up today! I got a load of veggies from a CSA, had a box of lentil pasta (gluten free) and did it up. This was so easy, tasty and healthy I had to share.  For those of you that don’t know, CSA stands for Community Supported […]

Why Dry Brine?

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

Dry Brining simply put is the process of salting food and letting it rest for a period of time before cooking.  Why Dry Brine? Because wet brines can be messy, take up more space and water down the flavor that you are trying to achieve.  I started to experiment with dry brines a few years […]

Who Doesn’t Love Tacos!

Apr 29, 2022 Marcus Anthony

All year round, tacos hit the spot. If you missed me cooking these taco’s on Instagram Live you can still check it out here. I cooked these last night live and I’m cooking them again tonight for friends, you really can’t go wrong and you can’t mess them up! Fool proof. Base  Whichever base you […]